Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Walking with dogs

Image by stinne24 from Pixabay

Dogs are incredibly strong creatures. I found this out while accompanying a friend who owns a dog walking business. 

I agreed to take charge of a small poodle. After all, how much trouble could it be? Just a leisurely stroll on the promenade with my bestie, I thought.


Right out of the gate - literally - I was dragged onto the flagstone path. It was all I could do to keep a firm grasp on the leash that was stretched beyond taut. I bounded forward in fits and starts, half dragged on my lagging heels, but mostly just tugged along by the dog's tide of restless energy. I was nothing more than a movable anchor that created friction and an unwelcome drag to the singleminded pooch.

No wonder my friend books regular visits with her registered massage therapist - to soothe her muscles and mend her joints.

Since then, I have developed a deep respect for dog walkers, especially those with multiple clients. How do they untangle their legs from so many leashes and control canines that constantly pull away in different directions? And how do they clean up to prevent others from stepping in the mess that inevitably gets left behind?

However you manage, kudos to you all. Keep calm and carry on with your do-si-do doggie dance. 

The rest of us will just stand on the sidelines and cheer you on.

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