Are you swept up in the excitement generated by the TV series Once Upon a Time?
I admit it. I enjoy sitting on my sofa and spotting all the familiar scenes as they parade across the screen. Like a child on Disneyland's Main Street USA, I find myself pointing out a street corner here and a shop there, with widened eyes and unbridled delight.
On a few occasions, when shooting was in progress, I felt minor annoyance as traffic officers waved my car off Moncton Street. But, I suppose that's the price we pay for having our stomping ground under Hollywood's glamorous spotlight. And the inconvenience is well worth it when you realize that weeks, perhaps months later, glimpses of your 'hood will be broadcast internationally through billions of flat screen TVs and , may be, even handheld devices.
And the production company has been more than accommodating to casual passersby, never barring us from getting too close to the crew and their tangle of equipment. Sometimes those posted as sentries on the sidewalks would ask us to pause until someone of authority would clear the pavement for foot traffic. I often wonder what they would do if I were to suddenly give a loud cough in the middle of a movie shoot.
It's really quite amazing how they can transform Steveston to Storybrooke by sprucing up some of the local stores and buildings. Which gave me an idea...
Given that I have been capturing Steveston's historical buildings and landmarks for close to two years now, why not start a Storybrooke line, featuring - ta da! - the TV version of our familiar haunts.
In this post, I will show images that are unique to the show itself, such as:

Mr. Gold - considering how much gold is worth today, he would be the richest man in Storybrooke. OK, second only to King Midas.

Worthington's Haberdashery - offering a whiff of nostalgia. I bet only those who had lived through a more genteel era would know what a haberdasher is.

Storybrooke pets shelter - a place that would be dear to animal-loving Stevestonites - which is just about everyone I know.
In the next post, I will show familiar buildings and landmarks as they appear in Steveston and in Storybrooke. You can compare how the TV production professionals have transformed our little corner of the world into a fairy tale world. Stay tuned!