June 20 was the second Sunday that Steveston's Farmers' and Artisans' Market was held under low threatening clouds. It didn't feel much like the day before the Summer Solstice.
But at 11:30 AM, at least at the corner of Third Avenue and Moncton Street, shoppers were eagerly chatting up the vendors. Two tents that were snuggled side by side drew quite a crowd - a white canvas advertised “Dam Good Lip Lube" in one tent while a black canvas promoted "Dam Good Soap" in the other.
“Ooh, these look good enough to eat,” a woman said to her cluster of friends. Hands big and small reached out for multi-scented bars that looked like chunky slices of colourful loaves.

I had heard about "Dam Good Soap" months earlier. A friend had raved about this Steveston-based company for its – well - d--n good soap!
The lady behind the counter explained that all their soaps were made with natural ingredients and olive oil. There was a wide selection of scents to choose but, for my dry skin, she recommended the Spa Baby, a scent free bar for sensitive skin. "Just use a wash cloth to work up a lot of lather," she advised.
When asked which were the big movers, she pointed out the citrus line, with such evocative names as “Lime Currant” and “Lemon Peel.” But what about “Monkey Farts?” I thought, that would have to be the bar of choice for all little boys.
Of course, if your intention was to entice youngsters to spend more time scrubbing behind their ears, you would be wise to go for their Soapsicles, or soaps on a stick, which come in mouth watering shades of yellow, orange, blue, and red.

And for you smoochers, keep those lips supple and smooth with Dam Good Lip Lubes, which are soothing tubes that come in Passionfruit, Vanilla Bean, and Peaches and Cream – flavours you won’t find in your grandmother’s medicine cabinet.

After a long moment of indecision, I decided to get a bar of the Spa Baby. While it was being carefully wrapped in white tissue, I asked another shopper, who appeared to be a devotee, how long a bar lasts. Oh, a long long time, she said.
At least for two weeks, I hope, until the Farmers' and Artisans' Market returns to Steveston. And, with luck, under much sunnier skies.
In the meantime, keep scrubbing and kissing, Steveston!