Throngs of parents wheeling little ones in buggies converged on Steveston Landing. To be sure, some were there to buy fresh fish off the boats. But most of them were there for one reason only - to capture Santa in the flesh. Perhaps bending over their delighted children.

A crush of Santa's fans awaiting his arrival
Stevestonites were encouraged to dress in red that day as a show of support for the 2010 Winter Olympics. A sprinkling of community-spirited individuals did just that. Which was not an entirely bad thing as, a few times, I overheard younger children getting unnecessarily worked up when they caught sight of flashes of red in the crowd - only to be told that they were mistaken. Imagine how agitated and overwhelmed they would have been had everyone shown up in Santa's colour.

Two of the people who showed up in red
A little past 2:00 PM, Santa arrived at the dock, flanked by two RCMP officers wearing the Red Serge. The guest of honour trudged his way up the gangplank, advanced slowly across the boardwalk, and wound his way towards the Gulf of Georgia Cannery - all the while waving his bells and roaring out his ho-ho-ho.

Santa being escorted by two RCMP officers
It was heartening to notice how Santa's popularity has not diminished over the years. In fact, judging from the cameras thrust before him and pleas for "just one more shot," I would say that Santa could rival any A-List star as he threaded his way past the mob of paparazzi - with poise and good humour.

Santa - never too busy to smile for the camera
There were other planned festivities around Steveston that day, such as photo ops with Santa at the cannery, illuminating the Sequoia tree outside in red lights, and taking a horse-drawn carriage ride around the village.

The long line anticipating Santa's arrival at the Gulf of Georgia Cannery

A little tour around the village - just the thing to end a perfect day
Nice work on this blog - lovely snapshots of our little village!